An Unexpected Journey
Hey there - it's us, Daniel and Jennifer! If you happen to already know us, it might not be terribly surprising to see some of the things we've been working on and sharing with you through our Instagram and now through this unexpected blogging journey. You might know us as people who have always been passionate about our creative outlets (from cooking, catering, hosting and entertaining to reading, writing rap music, or expressing our style through what we wear) and who seem to always be encouraging others to also appreciate the beautiful things in life. We realize it's also quite possible that if you know us, you might just think of us a couple of goofy wierdos. As it turns out both of these things are rather true about us! (If you don't know us...well, we're hoping you stick around and get to know us more!)
But whether you know us or not, and even if you have no reason to think it's particularly surprising that we are starting this blogging journey together, both of us would probably describe this venture as somewhat unexpected. Not because we couldn't see ourselves wanting to help others see and appreciate the beauty in life, but because how we got to where we are today has been full of twists and turns along the way.
As a newly married couple (we said "I do" just over four months ago), the most recent twist and turn of life was finding each other. When we first crossed paths it was nearly 7 years ago- we knew of each other but we're never formally introduced, and we both agree it's not likely that we would have hit it off, even if we had met more formally during that season of life. Back then, if you had told us we would reconnect one day and eventually get married, we might have thought you were crazy. Yet here we are married and falling more in love each day.
But even beyond the crazy unexpected blessing of finding each other and falling in love (we'll share more about that in another post someday) life has been full of all sorts of twists and turns. For example, if you had told either of us just 5-10 years ago that we would be living in one of the largest cities in the U.S. , with corporate jobs, hectic schedules, and an astounding lack of sleep, we would have outright denied the possibility of it. And to bring it back to what we're doing here and now through Everyday Urban....
if you had told us that one day we would be sharing our story with you through photos and blog posts, we couldn't have even imagined it.
Yet here we are, and these unexpected places life has taken us have been some of the most delightful! And in part that's why we're doing this. What we hope to do through Everyday Urban is to remind you that life isn't all practicalities and transactions. Sometimes life takes you where you didn't see yourself going, but it is still a BEAUTIFUL thing. We want to remind you that there IS actually a world beyond your cubicle. That it is a GOOD thing to stop and appreciate the beauty of life. That even when life is busy and chaotic, it's important to learn how to set aside time for friends, family, and peaceful moments at home. That even if your apartment is small and your paycheck seems even smaller, there are creative ways that you can design your space in a way that motivates and inspires you, not just one that "gets the job done". You can express yourself through a unique style that is all your own, both at work and on the weekends, and that it's one of life's little joys to do so.
We've got some fun posts planned over the next few weeks, but we wanted to start by sharing our vision for the blog and giving you a glimpse into some of the specific types of content you'll see us sharing.
West Elm: Industrial Dining Bench // West Elm: Industrial Table // Amazon: Chairs // West Elm: Floating Mirror // West Elm: Faux Fur Throw // West Elm: Mini Industrial Cage Lamp // CB2: Floor Lamp
First, and possibly foremost, we're planning to share design inspiration for your home or apartment. Our apartment isn't huge (though for Chicago it's a pretty good size), but ohhhh man is it cozy. When we come home after work it feels like a sanctuary. Our design philosophy is simple: clean lines, a warm and neutral palette, pops of bright color, and a few luxurious accents (three words: faux fur throws!) create a space that is simple and modern while still being cozy. We'll always be quite practical in our style... you'll see a few investment pieces sprinkled with a decent number of hand-me-downs or antique pieces. You may have seen a couple of living room photos on our Instagram similar to the ones below:
West Elm: Couch - Similar Here // Target: Bar Cart - Similar Here // West Elm: Hexagon Mirror // West Elm: Clover Coffee Table // Costco: Sheepskin Rug // Home Goods: Pillows - Similar Here // CB2: Dakota Pillow // CB2: Floor Lamp
H&M: Sweater - Similar Here // H&M: Hat - Similar Here // H&M: Skirt (Not Pictured Above): Similar Here
We are no David and Victoria Beckham, so we warn you in advance that you won't see two people strutting around in haute couture all day or rotating through a selection of Gucci, Prada "bag with a lotta stuff in it" (.... Gettin Jiggy With It anyone??? Will Smith guys... c'mon!). What you will see is our own personal sense of style for a variety of casual, formal/semi-formal, and professional settings. Because we work corporate jobs we'll often share transitional pieces that can be worn in both professional and casual settings.
Topman: Skinny Jeans // Vans: Shoes // Urban Outfitters: Flannel Shirt - Similar Here
It is no secret to anyone who knows us: we live for cooking and hosting. But even we (who love to do it) have a hard time making time for it. We hope to make cooking more accessible to all you other go-getters who have no time to breath or eat, let alone cook. We also hope to make hosting less intimidating by sharing the events we're hosting and how we prepare. This section will be coming soon!
So... if you're still with us... great! We hope you'll stay with us along the way. We're excited to share our ideas and foster a creative community that can brainstorm, share ideas, and create friendships along the way. We'd love to hear more about you and what you're excited to see more of in the comments below!
With Love From Chicago,
Daniel & Jennifer